Thursday 4 October 2018

1st October 2018

Thank you to all those parents who have been able to attend one of our curriculum meetings this week and for all of your positive comments. We welcome any feedback and remember if you have any questions, concerns or worries please speak to us now and don't wait until parent - teacher interviews. (The sign up sheets for these are available now if you haven't already signed up!) If you weren't able to make it to a meeting we have put a very brief overview at the bottom of this blog.

This week in maths we have been recapping on number bonds to 10, learning about number bonds to 20 and thinking about addition using our knowledge of place value! Number bonds are also often referred to as 'number pairs'. They are simply the pairs of numbers that make up a given number. For example- 16 + 4 = 20, 4 + 16 = 20, 15 + 5 = 20
As part of your home learning you could play board games such as snakes and ladders- can your child add the number they are on to the number rolled on the dice without moving the counter? There is also a great game your child can play...

In English we have been looking at similarities in Pirate stories. One thing we noticed is that Pirates often receive letters in a bottle. We have been looking at different letters, thinking about the features of letters and talking about why we send and receive letters. We have looked at formal letters (to people we don't usually know) and informal letters (to people we know).  As part of your home learning you could share different letters you get the in post (even if it is a bill!), what do they notice? You could also teach you child your home address as we will be writing these at the top of our letters. 

Please remember to send your children in their fantastic pirate costumes tomorrow if they wish as they will continue their pirate training.

We are lucky enough to be going to the Theatre Royal next Tuesday to enjoy watching some other school play a range of different instruments. Thank you for helping us to get the slips signed and sorted so quickly! The trip is happening in school hours so they need to be in school at normal time and will be back normal pick up. Please remember to send a packed lunch if you haven't ordered one and a water bottle. Thank you!

Year 2 Curriculum Meeting Overview

 Expectations, responsibilities and opportunities 
Now the children are in year 2 we are providing opportunities for them to be more responsible such as choosing to wear coloured bibs at break and lunch time and to apply to be team captains. We are also providing lots of great opportunities for them including trips and sporting events. 

Blog / App
Please download the school APP. We share as much information with you as we can on the school blog and it's a great way to find out about what your child(ren) have been up to and things which are coming up. We also provide ideas for home learning on the blog and it is usually updated on a Thursday.

Here is an example of what our weekly timetable looks like but this often changes due to trips and other activities. We also have science weeks, International weeks, art week and sports week.(ERIC means everyone reading in class and is a carousel of reading activities). 

SATs will take place in May. Please don't book any holidays for May!! We will not let you know which days these take place and appreciate your support with this.   

Personalised learning
Please remember that learning for each child looks different and what it right for one child may not be for another. We are working hard to provide your children with appropriate challenges to meet their own needs. Please support us in making sure your children appreciate this and they need to focus on only themselves and listen to what they are told. 

 Home learning and Big Talk
Big talk is sent home weekly and is a talking activity. If children want to record things then they can but we ideally want you to be talking and building their range of vocabulary. Ideas for home learning are posted on the blog weekly and if children want to record anything then this can be done in their home learning book which has been sent home. We will not mark this but we will share any work with the class and give team points and stickers. 

The expectation in Year 2 is that children read 5 times a week for about 5 – 10 mins- building up to longer. As their reading becomes more confident and fluent we focus on comprehension and understanding. Please remember that we prefer quality rather than quantity – when should we read? DO what works for you! Please record reads in their yellow reading diary and if you want get them to write it in. Please remember that there’s always an opportunity for reading!

Junior school
You need to start thinking about which Junior school you would like your child to attend. Our best advice is to go and have a look around. 

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