Tuesday 21 November 2017

Tuesday 21st November

What a super start to the week we have had!

In English we have been focusing on spelling Year 2 Common Exception Words. We have investigated rules and tricks for spelling the word 'Christmas'. We have begun an acrostic poem to help us apply these skills. One child suggested that,once the poems are finished, we could send them to Father Christmas!

In SPaG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation), we have been reading and writing words with the word 'all' in e.g. fall, ball, hall. Then we have been adding suffixes to these words e.g. called, smallest, falling. We have also explored making compound words e.g. foot+ball= football

In Phonics the children have been learning the Phase 5 sounds, consonant blends (e.g. str, cl, mp) and reading longer words including lots of different sounds.

In Maths we have been relating multiplication to repeated addition e.g. 5 + 5 + 5= 15, 3 x 5=15.
The children have learnt different strategies to help them visualise and imagine what a the times tables means or looks like in real life e.g. 4 x 5= 20 could be 4 five pence coins being worth 20p in total.

A slip will be coming home to ask you to bring in a shoe box for your child's DT project.
Please come and see us if you have any questions.

Our topic work this week will be based on Wednesday's trip to Time & Tide museum. We are sure your child will tell you all about it!

Just to remind you that we return from our trip at about 3.15. To ensure that the children are returned to you safely, we will dismiss them from Miss Tovell's classroom upon our return.

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