Tuesday 7 November 2017

This week in English we have been developing our vocabulary skills by describing fireworks. Two children managed to think of similes! One was "orange as a volcano" and the other idea was "as white as a snowflake". We have been describing fireworks by using colour words for our adjectives e.g. turquoise, lilac, neon yellow, cobalt. (Those were all ideas from the children!)
Next we thought about using onomatopoeia to help us describe how the fireworks look, sound and move.  The children were amazing and came up with wonderful ideas. Why not ask your child what ideas they thought of?

In Maths we have been practising our place value skills by working with tens and ones, and using the signs <   >  and   =  to compare the numbers. We have looked at not being tricked by numbers with the same digits e.g. 12 and 21.

Last week in Topic we learnt about the life of Guy Fawkes and some of the events of the Gunpowder Plot. We will continue to work on these skills this week by creating a timeline, deciding if Guy Fawkes was a hero or a villain, and sketching Guy Fawkes.

We have been thinking about why some people choose to wear poppies and why. We watched the very poignant film:
It provoked some thoughtful but age appropriate discussuions.

Mrs R & Miss Tovell have enjoyed seeing your ideas and activities in your home learning books as they come back.  Remember to read at least 5 times a week!

If you're looking for something extra to do at home...
why not use coloured pens to practise writing colour words?
keep learning those timestables
make sure that you recognise all the numbers to 20, then 30 then 50 then 100
anything else that will make your learning brain bigger!

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