Friday 16 November 2018

12th November 2018

Autumn has definitely arrived! This week for the big talk we are encouraging you to go outside and talk about the changes you can see. 

On Monday we had a fantastic time at Lodge Lane Infant school working alongside their year 2 children. We got to try shooting in a basket ball hoop, our dribbling skills, team building games and we were lucky enough to try some basic jiu jitsu skills as well! 
Jui jitsu demonstrators 
Dribbling skills!

Team building games using
maths skills

Dribbling the basketball!

In English this week we have started a plan to write a pirate story. The children have all drawn and labelled their own character, decided on a suitable setting and started to think of interesting ways to begin their story. As part of your home learning you could read lots of different books and look at the beginnings. How does it start? Does it make you want to read more? Can you think of different ways the book could have started? 

We have also reminded ourselves what verbs are (doing or action words). We watched this video...

 ...and wrote down as many verbs as we could.  We were really impressed with how many different verbs the children came up with. We then thought about verbs associated with pirates and learnt about adding the suffix -ing to them. For example look -> looking, search -> searching, find -> finding. We will use these next week when we think about writing the middle and end of our pirate stories!

In maths we have started to look at subtraction. We know that there are lots of words we can use including...

take away

In Mrs Ellis's group we started the week by looking at 1 more and 1 less using a 100 square. You could try this at home using the paint the squares 100 square link below... 

We have then moved on to looking at taking away using concrete objects and then beginning to draw these pictorially. We have mainly focused on 1 digit subtract 1 digit numbers ( 9 - 3 = ) and 2 digit subtract 1 digit numbers ( 15 - 3 = ). 

In Mr Whitehead's group they have been looking at subtraction using 2 digit subtract 2 digit numbers and choosing their favourite method to solve these number sentences. Which method does your child prefer? 

For both groups we encourage you to count forwards and backwards 10s starting from 0 (0, 10, 20..) but also from any number (e.g. 3, 13, 23, 33...) as this really helps them to solve problems.

This Friday was Children in Need and children all looked great. Thank you for your support. All donations will all go to Children in Need.

Today the children also had their flu vaccination if you handed in and signed the permission form. 

Next Wednesday (21st) the library van will be in school so please remember to send in any books which need to be returned and also library cards!

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