We had a fantastic time at the Time and Tide museum on Monday. The staff and members of the public loved how well behaved and enthusiastic all of the children were. This week in English we have been writing a recount of what happened. As part of your home learning can your child tell you (using past tense verbs) about what happened? Below are some pictures to help!
This week in maths we have continued to look at place value in two digit numbers but have been comparing them using < less than, > more than and = equal to. We have been comparing two numbers and thinking about why there are more or less than. For example-
24 < 34
24 is less than 34 because 24 only has 2 tens but 34 has 3 tens
There is a great game you can play at part of your home learning...
Next week we have our Year 2 curriculum meetings- please sign up if you are able to attend. The dates and times are-
Monday 1st October 230-3pm
Wednesday 3rd October 9-930am
Next Friday 5th we would love for the children to dress up as Pirates so we can continue with our Pirate training!