Oh no! No children came to solve Mrs R's word problem. 😢
Let's try another...
Birds’ Eggs
You will need some counters (you could use pieces of pasta)
Three birds laid some eggs.
Each bird laid an odd number of eggs.
Altogether they laid 19 eggs.
How many eggs did each bird lay?
Find different ways to do it.
Your child could record their answers in their home learning books.
This week we have begun to look at the origins of Easter. We have talked about the religious and non-religious elements of the festival. The children have listened to different versions the bible story about the passion of Jesus Christ. They have begun to consider the big concepts that the story makes us all think about.
You could watch these videos:
Let's Celebrate Easter
Easter Story Animation
Here are some ideas for your home learning during the holidays...
- ask an adult to help you follow a recipe and weigh some ingredients
- design and make some Easter cards to send to your friends and family
- read a book by an author who you haven't read before
- write the Easter story
- write a story about the Easter bunny and his or her adventures
- write some Maths word problems for others to solve
- Purple Mash or Education City
We are looking forward to seeing some of you at the open morning on last day of term.
(Wednesday 28th March)
Wishing you a happy and healthy Easter break, Mrs R & Mr Wh