In writing we are working on applying key skills such as:
- spelling "Common Exception Words" correctly
- including the 4 different types of sentence in our writing
- punctuating our sentences correctly
- using adjectives in expanded noun phrases e.g. beautiful, blue butterfly
- using conjunctions such as "but, when, because, and" to join two sentences
- form all letters correctly with flicks ready for joining
In maths we are re-visiting key concepts such as:
- partitioning numbers into 100s, 10s and 1s e.g. 378= 300 + 70 + 8
- solving missing number problems e.g. 🔺 x 5 = 30
- using drawings of "sticks and crosses" to help solve addition and subtraction problems
- identifying and naming 2D and 3D shapes
- using the = sign in different places in a calculation e.g. 35 = 20 + 15, 11 = 21 -10
We have new Guided Reading books and have started to have some wonderful discussions in our groups.
On Friday, we will begin our new topic "The Great Outdoors"!