Wow the last week! This term has flown by and for the most part it's been thoroughly enjoyable for both the children and the teaching staff. Having said that, tanks are running a little on empty now and we're all looking forward to the Christmas break.
As this is the last week of term we have arranged a few fun activities for the children such as making Christmas cards and Christmas games in PE. We have also been doing some 'proper' work in English looking at the story Mog's Christmas Calamity which inspired Sainbury's 2015 Christmas advert. The children have loved the story and found the advert hilarious! They will be writing a re-tell of the story later in the week.
Maths has had a Christmassy theme this week, as we re-cap some of the areas we have been looking at.
Our popular Topic looking at the lives of pirates has now drawn to a close and it seems to of gone down very well with the children.
Both myself and Ms Tovell would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas, with hope that you all have an amazing Christmas holiday. I would like to thank you once again for all of your well wishes and good luck messages, I will miss the school, the staff and the children hugely and wish everyone associated with the school my best wishes.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Week commencing 5th December 2016
In English this week we have revisited The Night Pirates and the children have composed and written their own pirate story putting everything into practise that they have learnt this term.
The children have also been using their comprehension skills in an end of term assessment.
In maths we have been completing end of term assessments and completing different Christmas-themed maths activities.
In topic we are finishing off our Pirate topic with some map-work and the children will learn about pirate trade routes and how pirates used maps to plan attacks and hide treasure. They will then create their own map of their journey to school, identify the best places to hide treasure and label the main compass points.
Just a reminder that next Monday, 12th December, is the Year 2 reading event - all children are invited to come to school in their PJs and will need to bring uniform to change into afterwards.
The library van is also visiting next Monday so please remember to send in library cards and any books that need returning for then.
Next Wednesday is Christmas lunch day. There will no no jacket potatoes or school packed lunches that day, so if your child does not want the Christmas dinner please send a packed luch from home.
Finally, at the end of a very exciting week we will be supporting Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 16th December and look forward to seeing the children in their festive gear!!
The children have also been using their comprehension skills in an end of term assessment.
In maths we have been completing end of term assessments and completing different Christmas-themed maths activities.
In topic we are finishing off our Pirate topic with some map-work and the children will learn about pirate trade routes and how pirates used maps to plan attacks and hide treasure. They will then create their own map of their journey to school, identify the best places to hide treasure and label the main compass points.
Just a reminder that next Monday, 12th December, is the Year 2 reading event - all children are invited to come to school in their PJs and will need to bring uniform to change into afterwards.
The library van is also visiting next Monday so please remember to send in library cards and any books that need returning for then.
Next Wednesday is Christmas lunch day. There will no no jacket potatoes or school packed lunches that day, so if your child does not want the Christmas dinner please send a packed luch from home.
Finally, at the end of a very exciting week we will be supporting Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 16th December and look forward to seeing the children in their festive gear!!
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Week ending 1/12/2016
In English this week the children are writing a pirate story featuring the pirate they created in last week's lessons. This subject has really captured the children's imagination so we're hoping for some entertaining stories to read through!
Both classes have started both Reading and Maths assessments which take a long time but do give us a good picture of both the level that they are working at and the areas that they perhaps need a little more support in.
This week's Topic lesson sees us learning more about a pirate's diet. The children will also be investigating which fruits are high in vitamin C and producing graphs to show each fruits popularity in the class.
Both classes have started both Reading and Maths assessments which take a long time but do give us a good picture of both the level that they are working at and the areas that they perhaps need a little more support in.
This week's Topic lesson sees us learning more about a pirate's diet. The children will also be investigating which fruits are high in vitamin C and producing graphs to show each fruits popularity in the class.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Week ending 25/11/16
In English this week we have been reading The Night Pirates by Peter Harris and working on a description of a pirate who will feature in their pirate stories. The children have been busy trying to use adjectives in their writing and seeing how they can add suffixes to root words to make more adjectives. In Maths the children have been introduced to division and sharing. Topic this week sees the children learning about what humans need to stay healthy by looking after Captain Pugwash's grandchildren for the day!
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Week ending 18/11/16
In English this week the children have been enjoying the book The Shopping Basket by John Burningham and creating their own lists of shopping and animals using commas. The children spent this morning writing stories based on The Shopping Basket and containing their lists. In Maths we have been starting to introduce multiplication which the children have enjoyed challenging themselves with.
In Topic we are looking at Sir Francis Drake and discussing whether he was a hero, a villain or a little of both!
In Topic we are looking at Sir Francis Drake and discussing whether he was a hero, a villain or a little of both!
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Week ending 11th November
This week we have continued our work with the story Sam Gets Lost. In the story the children are unable to find their cat, Muggins and the children have been creating an extension of the story called Muggins Gets Lost. They have been focusing on extending their written ideas to develop compound sentences using and, but, so or because as the joining word.
In maths we are halving amounts and reviewing equal sharing to get to the correct number.
In topic this week we will be building our treasure chests and in PE we are continuing our dance lessons, working on transitions to help build into our routines.
In maths we are halving amounts and reviewing equal sharing to get to the correct number.
In topic this week we will be building our treasure chests and in PE we are continuing our dance lessons, working on transitions to help build into our routines.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Week ending 4.11.2016
Welcome back! We hope you've all had a fun half-term break and it's nice to see the children a little more 'recharged' after the week off.
In English this week the children are enjoying a story about a little boy getting lost at a fireworks display and using it as a starting point to talk about writing compound sentences.
In Maths the children have started to look at coins, their value and using them to make different amounts. You could support your child at home with this by encouraging them to help work out amounts while shopping and by allowing them to handle and add with coins.
In Topic we are designing treasure chests and looking at how hinges work.
In English this week the children are enjoying a story about a little boy getting lost at a fireworks display and using it as a starting point to talk about writing compound sentences.
In Maths the children have started to look at coins, their value and using them to make different amounts. You could support your child at home with this by encouraging them to help work out amounts while shopping and by allowing them to handle and add with coins.
In Topic we are designing treasure chests and looking at how hinges work.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Week ending 21/10/16
Last week saw the children travel to Time and Tide museum in Great Yarmouth where we met a pirate and a pirate-hunter from the Royal Navy. The children also went on a treasure hunt and had the opportunity to handle and learn about some of the everyday items that pirates might of used on board their ships. All of the children said that they really enjoyed the trip and had a good time.
In English the children created a new adventure for Traction Man, using a comic strip to plan out the action. They ended the week writing some excellent stories.
In Maths the children learnt how to show their partitioning by drawing ten sticks and one crosses and then applied this when working out some tricky addition questions.
In English the children created a new adventure for Traction Man, using a comic strip to plan out the action. They ended the week writing some excellent stories.
In Maths the children learnt how to show their partitioning by drawing ten sticks and one crosses and then applied this when working out some tricky addition questions.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Week ending 14/10/2016
In English the children have continued their work based on the adventures of Traction Man; designing new outfits and describing them with adjectives, creating a comic strip and finally, writing their own story of a new adventure in Traction Man.
In Maths the children have been continuing to look at different methods to perform additions. This week sees the introduction of using sticks and crosses to denote tens and ones. Could we take this opportunity to remind you that there are lots of games on Education City that support our recent number work and it would be great if the children played some of these at home to support their learning.
All of the children have been really excited about our upcoming pirate trip to Time and Tide. We hope it's a fun day for everyone and the children get a lot out of it.
In Maths the children have been continuing to look at different methods to perform additions. This week sees the introduction of using sticks and crosses to denote tens and ones. Could we take this opportunity to remind you that there are lots of games on Education City that support our recent number work and it would be great if the children played some of these at home to support their learning.
All of the children have been really excited about our upcoming pirate trip to Time and Tide. We hope it's a fun day for everyone and the children get a lot out of it.
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
week ending 7th October 2016
This week we have been reading Traction Man by Mini Grey. The children have been looking at nouns, verbs and adjectives in the story and will use these to write their own Traction Man adventures at the end of the week.
In maths we have been working with number lines and hundred squares to build on understanding of place value and how to use the number system. There are lots of games on Education City that support our recent number work and it would be great if the children played some of these at home to support their learning.
The children have been getting creative with their Christmas Card designs and we are sure you will be impressed with their efforts when you see them at the exhibition next Thursday.
Our pirate themed day takes place next Wednesday and we would ask that all outstanding permission slips and money is paid this week to ensure this, and all future trips, can take place.
In maths we have been working with number lines and hundred squares to build on understanding of place value and how to use the number system. There are lots of games on Education City that support our recent number work and it would be great if the children played some of these at home to support their learning.
The children have been getting creative with their Christmas Card designs and we are sure you will be impressed with their efforts when you see them at the exhibition next Thursday.
Our pirate themed day takes place next Wednesday and we would ask that all outstanding permission slips and money is paid this week to ensure this, and all future trips, can take place.
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Week ending 30.9.2016
This week the children have been learning about using adjectives to describe people, animals, things and places. They will be using these adjectives in English to write a story about having an animal delivered to their house.
In Maths, the children have been learning strategies to help them recognise odd and even numbers and learning more about place value.
Topic this term is entitled 'Shiver Me Timbers' and has a pirate theme. As well as learning about pirates the children will be learning about maps, healthy living and the historical figure Sir Francis Drake.
Topic this term is entitled 'Shiver Me Timbers' and has a pirate theme. As well as learning about pirates the children will be learning about maps, healthy living and the historical figure Sir Francis Drake.
To start PE this term we have been learning how to putt and chip with mini-golf, which has been a lot of fun.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Week ending 23.9.2016
Welcome to Year 2. The children have now settled in and we're well underway with our lessons. In English, the children have been enjoying the story 'There's a Lion in my Cornflakes by Michelle Robinson and thinking of interesting questions that they would like to ask about it. We have also been looking at Statements and how these differ from other sentences.
In Maths, the children have been busy thinking of how to order numbers and recognise their place value. They also had the opportunity to have a go at a measuring activity to see if we can fit any more books on our bookcase.
Could we take this opportunity to remind you that we recommend that your child reads with you at least three times per week. Many thanks.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Week ending 8.7.16
This week Year 2 have been practicing their dances and their races ready for sports day. Reception and Year 1 have been meeting their new teachers this week and Year 2 will be walking down to Old Catton Junior School tomorrow so that the children can meet their new teachers.
In Topic the children will be having a go at pond dipping and recording what they find and have written stories in English about hunting a scary monster!
In Topic the children will be having a go at pond dipping and recording what they find and have written stories in English about hunting a scary monster!
Week ending 1.7.16
This week the school have been looking at the artwork of the Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes for this year's Art week. The children have been busy creating some amazing, colourful pieces of art that we will be using to decorate our hall and corridors. We look forward to showing them off to you all next week at the summer fete.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Week ending 27.5.2016
This week Year 2 have been looking at the life and work of the artist Claude Monet. The children have had the opportunity to paint some of Monet's artworks in an impressionistic way. We're really happy with how the paintings are turning out and look forward to showing you them when we use them to create a display on our classroom walls. The children have also been continuing their Topic work looking at flowers and insects which they are really enjoying. It has been a very long and tiring term for everyone in Year 2 and we hope you all have a lovely holiday in the half-term break.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Week ending 13.5.16
This week Year 2 have been continuing their SATs with many of the students completing their Maths tests over the last few days. Although it has been a tough time for the students both myself and Mrs Prophet have been really impressed by the amount of effort and concentration the children have shown of the last few weeks. Friday sees a welcome day of fun activities designed to help the children celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday and I'm sure the children will really enjoy this.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Week ending 6/5/2016
This week Year 2 have been continuing our SATs practise. In Maths, the children have been learning about how to tell the time including half past, quarter to and quarter past and also 5 minute intervals. In English, the children have been looking at the possessive apostrophe and description with some of the year writing Goldilocks part 2 and some writing a letter from Daddy Bear! Next week we hope to have PE outside so please could you send in trainers for your children to wear on the field.
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Week ending 22.4.16
This week Year 2 have been continuing our SATs practise. In Maths, the children have been learning lots about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties, to support this learning you could ask your children to 'shape spot' as your out and about. In English, the children wrote a story based on Little Red Riding Hood and learnt about using exclamation sentences.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Week ending 15.4.16
Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed the Easter break. This week the children have started practice tests in Spelling, Grammar and Maths. These tests are essential for preparing the children for the SATs tests they will be taking in May. The tests also act as a good assessment tool to highlight any gaps in knowledge that we will be working to fill in. The children always find this half-term particularly hard work so might be a little more tired when they come home!
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Week ending 24.3.16
This week Year 2 are going to be building scooters that we designed last week after reading Mrs Armitage on Wheels. The children are really looking forward to this Design and Technology activity and I'm sure we'll have some excellent finished scooters by the end of the day. In English the children have been looking at riddles and will be writing their own ones later in the week. We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Easter holiday.
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Week ending 18.3.16
This week is Science Week in school and Year 2 have been enjoying carrying out a number of experiments. All of the children seem really enthusiastic about Science and learning more about space, animals, dinosaurs and many other scientific areas. In Maths the children have continued to work at their Maths Assessments which will provide a detailed account of where they are with their Maths and what they need to work on. Please don't forget that we have an Open Afternoon on Monday so please if you can make it pop in and have a look at the childrens' work.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Week ending 11.3.2016
This week Year 2 have been busy painting for our class display of The Great Fire of London. Each child has had the opportunity to paint something for the display and we look forward to getting everything up and showing off all of their hard work. The children have also been doing their Spring Maths assessments which will give us a detailed picture of where they currently are with their understanding. In English the children are reading 'Mrs Armitage on wheels' and will be having a go at designing and making their own scooters later in the week. It was really nice to see so many of you at Parents' Evening last night, we really enjoyed chatting to you all.
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Week ending 26.2.2016
Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed a relaxing and fun week off. The children have returned in good spirits and seem to be really looking forward to their educational visit to Stranger's Hall on Wednesday. The visit's main objective is for the children to learn more about The Great Fire of London. Already this week we have been looking at Samuel Pepys' diary and researching the causes of the fire. In Maths Year 2 have been revising subtraction and this week's English involves the children writing a story set in a certain season.
Thursday, 11 February 2016
Week ending 12.2.16
Year 2 have been enjoying International Week looking at our chosen country Italy. The week started with the children working in groups to create a physical map of Rome representing famous landmarks such as the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain. The children worked really hard and used their imaginations to produce some fantastic maps that they were really proud of. The children got a taste of what Michelangelo's job must of been like painting the Sistine Chapel as they had a go at painting while laying on their backs under the school tables, which was a lot of fun! Today the children have been making ciabatta bread and Italian ice-cream, gelato. They really enjoyed eating it all!
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Week ending 5.2.16
This week in English, Year 2 have been working on stories set in space, thinking about the solar system, building their own space ship and creating a planet to visit. This subject has really captured the imagination of the students and we're hoping for some amazing stories tomorrow in Big Write. In Maths we have been looking at the fractions including halves, quarters and thirds. We've also been trying to identify equivalent fractions such as two quarters equal 1 half. It's a tricky subject but the children have worked hard to understand it. In Topic we tested materials to see which would be the best for waterproofing boats, then made our boats and tested them.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
Week ending 28.1.16
This week in English, Year 2 have been working on creating their own board games and writing instructions showing how to play them. The children really enjoyed this activity and will be able to take their games home, we hope you enjoy playing them! The focus for this weeks Maths has been Addition, specifically adding three numbers together. All of the children worked hard to master the techniques needed and were able to achieve this. In Topic the children had the opportunity to use the internet to research transport from other countries comparing it to the transport found in the UK. The children thought of reasons for the need for different types of transport around the world.
Week ending 22.1.16
This week Year 2 have been looking at Division in Maths. Each class has been learning ways of sharing numbers, the children really enjoyed sharing Smarties on the Tuesday, especially eating them! In English the children have been writing stories featuring Anansi the Spider, a tricky character from African and Caribbean traditional tales. This week's Topic the children gathered information about how the class travels to school. This information was then used to complete graphs. You may have noticed spellings coming home for the children to learn, we will be testing them on these spellings on Thursdays or Fridays, so please do help your child to learn them if possible.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
Week ending 14.1.16
This week Year 2 have been looking at Multiplication in Maths. The children have been working hard to understand repeated addition, how to use arrays and learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. If you have any free time at home going through their times tables with them would prove very useful. In English the children have been looking at Traditional Tales and the story of The Gingerbread Man. Year 2 used this tale to write stories and create wanted posters. In Topic we will be looking at the children's journeys to school creating a map showing the streets and landmarks they pass on the way.
Friday, 8 January 2016
Week ending 8.1.2016
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a lovely holiday, we've heard lots about the presents and fun days they've had. The childrens' holidays were the subject of this weeks Big Write and the children really enjoyed writing all about it. We have started our new topic 'From A to B' all about transport and travelling. In this week's lessons we have been thinking of all of the transport we can think of and then categorizing the types of transport. The children have been given a task for homework of writing about their journey to school and it would really helpful if you could give them a few pointers.
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